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snippet: Historical Admiralty chart of Aran Islands in Galway Bay,Donegal Bay and Cork Harbour. Sourced from the UK Hydrographic Office (
summary: Historical Admiralty chart of Aran Islands in Galway Bay,Donegal Bay and Cork Harbour. Sourced from the UK Hydrographic Office (
extent: [[-9.95872218731016,51.7329278385762],[-5.88886478445185,54.6967928959174]]
accessInformation: Sourced from the UK Hydrographic Office (
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: Historical Admiralty chart of Aran Islands in Galway Bay,Donegal Bay and Cork Harbour. Sourced from the UK Hydrographic Office (
licenseInfo: Sourced from the UK Hydrographic Office (
title: HistoricalAdmiralty
type: Map Service
tags: []
culture: en-IE
name: HistoricalAdmiralty
guid: 69C09C39-342A-4B87-AF89-2C5E9EE09093
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Mercator_Edited_UKHO